professional credentials

What unfair expectations are you holding yourself to?
  • I should be farther along by now.
  • should be excited for what's coming not overwhelmed.
  • I should stay at this company because...
  • I should be able to do it all by myself.
  • I should want to keep moving up the corporate ladder.
  • I should be happy in my life because things are good...

At the root of should is comparison.  It could be comparing to a social norm, your parents ideals, your peers, or people on social media.  What it robs you of is a vision of YOUR peaceful life and prevents you from taking action to get there.  

The good news??  Life can be better. 

Imagine if you could....
→ Feel confident with clear direction on a path that lights you up.
→ Have harmony between time for yourself, family and your career.
→ Roll with the waves of life, and enjoy the ride along the way.

owning my unique desires, values, priorities, and goals gave me freedom.

letting go of should  improved my life...

I'm ready!

As seen on


An employee once told me, "you are inspiring because you aren't afraid to speak truth to power."  I had to google what that meant - to stand up for what's right and tell people in charge what's what.  I had never thought of myself that way.  Earlier in my career, I was counseled to speak up MORE.  I made the intentional choice to be more authentic in 2013 when I started at a new company, and that meant voicing my opinions.    Seeing that choice come full circle = ♥.

speaking truth to power


I started riding horses as a child and continued through college. After that, I thought work, finances and life obligations made it impossible. It wasn't until I turned 40 that I put my excuses aside (with the help of coaching!) and fulfilled my dream of riding again.   

riding horses

my hobby

🤍 Eating ice cream
🤍 Snuggling with my dogs
🤍 Hearing my kids laugh
🤍 Drinking a good glass of wine
🤍 Listening to an audio book
🤍 Singing along to George Strait
🤍 Time alone (hello, introvert!)
🤍 Hugs from my hubby

my happy places


I don't just say this because I am a coach and love coaching and how it helps you manage your thoughts! It's seriously just my biggest struggle.  I still get coached on it today - it is a lifelong journey.  I am working on trusting myself and taking action instead of dwelling in my head.  I know many who read this will be able to relate - the struggle is real!


biggest struggle

fun facts about me

tell me more

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wisdom to live by

— mooji

"what you learn, you can forget.  but what you are, you can never not be."